Same name for a monkey and princess 07 May 2015
When some naughtiness is recognized in some of our friends, we immediately call them as Monkey. The name is very widely used all around. But do you accept if a monkey's name is same as the princess of a place?Well,...
Keywords: Charlotte, monkey, Charlotte, monkey
Read MoreATA celebrates ATA Roju 2012 08 June 2012
Charlotte America Telugu Association (ATA) team has celebrated ATA Roju 2012, which happened to be the first ATA event in Greater Charlotte area. This grand event took place on May 26 at Charlotte Hindu Center. As many as 250 people...
Keywords: ATA, Telugu culture, ATA, Charlotte America Telugu Association
Read MoreLive Barbie, fanatic woman spends fancy amount on cosmetic surgery 17 March 2012
In a stunning revelation a woman was so much obsessed by the fashion doll character Barbie that she went under the knife to restructure herself on the same lines. To what extent can a (Wo)man go to satisfy her fanatics...
Keywords: Live Barbie, Live Barbie, Cosmetic surgery, 000 Charlotte Hothman girlie costumes
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