Chronic diseases

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  • fibre foods, healthy nutrition, living healthier life, Chronic diseases

    Living healthier life! 10 January 2013

    Have them with a "pinch of salt." Fibre has never been what you'd call a sexy nutrient. Suddenly, it's a superstar:Manufacturers are adding it to biscuits, savoury snacks and even drinks. But as with many celebrities, there's an unseemly backstory:...

    Keywords: lifesavers, chronic diseases, tasty fibre diet, fibre diet

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    kanchan mukherjee, kanchan mukherjee, trust homeopathy for a better tomorrow, Chronic diseases

    Trust Homeopathy for a better tomorrow! 30 January 2013

    Dying is not a good thought (especially given the kind of events happening all over). Though we know what is born must die, we somehow think the grim reaper will pass us by for later. But chronic illnesses bring us...

    Keywords: chronic diseases, healthy life, treatment of chronic diseases, permanent cure

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