• USA, USA, former us president bill clinton says that he won t stop paid speeches, Clinton

    Former US President Bill Clinton says that he won't stop paid speeches 06 May 2015

    Former US President Bill Clinton shakes hands with the crowd after the 20th Remembrance Ceremony, the anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Former US...

    Keywords: USA, Bill Clinton, USA, Bill Clinton

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    Donald Trump, Democrats, donald trump accepted nomination for us presidential run, Clinton

    Donald Trump accepted nomination for US presidential run 22 July 2016

    Donald Trump has completed the greatest step in his improbable rise, by accepting the GOP nomination to face Clinton, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state. Trump pledged to the cheering Republicans and still-skeptical voters, that as president...

    Keywords: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, US presidential run, Republicans

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    Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, hillary clinton to announce presidential run, Clinton

    Hillary Clinton to announce presidential run 10 April 2015

    Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 as early as this weekend, facing no substantial competition. Clinton is likely to make her intentions known through a social media announcement followed by campaign...

    Keywords: Barack Obama, American President, Democrats, Democrats

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    Us, Indians, indians choose clinton over trump in america, Clinton

    Indians Choose Clinton over Trump in America 12 October 2016

    In the ongoing presidential elections, most of Indian-Americans choice is Hillary Clinton despite the headline-grabbing political action committee launched in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump by a handful of them.According to the reports, "Clinton was the choice of 67%...

    Keywords: Indians, Presidential Elections, choice, Us

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    Bill Clinton, Cinematography minister, undisputed horses 1 chandrababu naidu, Clinton

    Undisputed Horses - 1: Chandrababu Naidu 07 March 2014

    Elections, one the biggest number game in India and Political parties will be battling for government. Leaders play a crucial role in the elections, they fight, criticize, make friends, promises to win at any cost. However in any given situation...

    Keywords: NTR and Chandrababu Naidu, Andhra Pradesh bifurcation, Tony Blair, NTR and Chandrababu Naidu

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    Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, barack obama endorses clinton, Clinton

    Barack Obama endorses Clinton 28 July 2016

    US President Barack Obama urged Democrats to carry onetime rival Hillary Clinton to victory in November as America's first woman president, while savaging her Republican opponent Donald Trump for fueling hate and division. Obama offered a comprehensive endorsement of his...

    Keywords: Barack Obama, Democrats, American presidential elections, American presidential elections

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    Republicans, Donald Trump, hillary clinton s campaign confirmed yet another cyber attack, Clinton

    Hillary Clinton's campaign confirmed, yet another cyber attack 30 July 2016

    US Democrats said that they had been targeted by yet another cyber attack, while Hillary Clinton's campaign confirmed that an analytics program it used was breached in an earlier intrusion. A hack on Democratic National Committee servers resulted in last...

    Keywords: Republicans, Democrats, cyber attack, Republicans

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    leaked emails of Clinton, leaked emails of Clinton, hillary clinton speaks about amitabh bacchan in leaked emails, Clinton

    Hillary Clinton Speaks About Amitabh Bacchan In Leaked Emails 05 November 2016

    The former Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton, who is also the current Democratic Presidential nominee, has once asked about Indian megastar Amitabh Bacchan, according to the leaked emails, which has been published. A national political reporter...

    Keywords: leaked emails of Clinton, Hillary Clinton, US Presidential Election 2016, Amitabh Bacchan

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    Clinton, same sex, clinton considers endorsing marriage equality in 2000, Clinton

    Clinton Considers Endorsing Marriage Equality in 2000 17 June 2015

    In the beginning of 2000, aides inside President Bill Clinton’s White House faced a dilemma.The residents of California, US are against the proposal of marriages between same-sex couples and regarding this, Clinton had faced the situation where he had to...

    Keywords: Marriage equalities, same sex, Clinton, Marriage equalities

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    Democrats, Republicans, donald trump not eligible to be us president clinton, Clinton

    Donald Trump not eligible to be US President - Clinton 19 July 2016

    While Addressing the NAACP National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, the State which is hosting the Republican convention, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has alleged that Donald Trump is unfit to become the US president as he "demeans" women, plays coy...

    Keywords: Republicans, Democrats, US presidential elections, Democrats

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    US Presidential Debate, Hillary Clinton, clinton wins final presidential debate against donald trump, Clinton

    Clinton Wins Final Presidential Debate Against Donald Trump 20 October 2016

    Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has successfully won the third and final Presidential Debate in Las Vegas by the narrowest margin of 13 percentage against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, according to the latest poll by CNN. By releasing the...

    Keywords: US Presidential Debate, US Presidential Debate, Hillary Clinton wins presidential debate, Hillary Clinton

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    Democratic National Convention, Angie Morelli Sanders delegate from Nevada, hillary clinton chose tim kaine as vp, Clinton

    Hillary Clinton chose Tim Kaine as VP 23 July 2016

    Hillary Clinton has picked Tim Kaine as her choice for Vice President. There are different views in favour and against the choice. Most delegates of the Democratic National Convention gave  positive reviews to Hillary Clinton’s choice for vice president, saying...

    Keywords: Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine, Angie Morelli Sanders delegate from Nevada, Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine

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    Democratic National Convention, Bernie Sanders loyalists, sanders loyalists took to the street against clinton s nomination, Clinton

    Sanders loyalists took to the street against Clinton’s nomination 27 July 2016

    Bernie Sanders loyalists protested inside and outside the Democratic National Convention site and clashed with police after Hillary Clinton won the party’s presidential nomination. "This was not a convention. This was a four-day Hillary party. And we weren't welcome," said...

    Keywords: Democrats, Democrats, Democratic National Convention, Clinton nomination

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    US Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, trump trolled for three spelling mistakes in a 21 word tweet, Clinton

    Trump trolled for three spelling mistakes in a 21 word tweet 01 August 2016

    US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was left embarrassed after making three spelling mistakes in one 21-word tweet attacking US Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In a tweet criticising his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, Trump wrote: “Hillary Clinton should not...

    Keywords: US Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, US Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, trolled for spelling mistakes, Twitter

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    Final Presidential Debate, Donald Trump, final presidential debate donald trump refuses to accept election result, Clinton

    Final Presidential Debate: Donald Trump Refuses To Accept Election Result 20 October 2016

    The Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has refused to say that he will accept the result of the November 8 Presidential election result, leaving a window for suspicion that he will challenge the election result. In the third and final...

    Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Final Presidential Debate, US Presidential Election 2016, Final Presidential Debate

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    US Presidential Election 2016, Donald Trump, donald trumps wins us presidential election 2016, Clinton

    Donald Trumps Wins US Presidential Election 2016 09 November 2016

    The historic US Presidential Election 2016 has come to a decision and in a shocking result the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th President of the United States defeating Democratic Presidential nominee and the former...

    Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, US Presidential Election 2016

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    Donald Trump, American elections, chanakya the fish predicts american elections, Clinton

    Chanakya the fish predicts American elections 08 November 2016

    Its election fever everywhere. American election has for the first time became the most discussed one. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, both in the race neck to neck. It is predictions galore! Every media is flooded with prediction, not just...

    Keywords: American elections, Hillary Clinton, Democrats, Democrats

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    Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, mr clinton give a clarity on your charity, Clinton

    Mr. Clinton, give a clarity on your charity 07 May 2015

    As Hilary Clinton is heading to Presidential run, her husband and ex-President Bill Clinton has recently announced that he has no thoughts of giving up his paid speeches. The World’s highest paid public speaker gave  ‘mind blowing’ excuse for continuing...

    Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Christian missionaries, Bill Clinton, Christian missionaries

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    Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation, bill clinton to visit india, Clinton

    Bill Clinton to visit India 04 July 2014

    Former US President Bill Clinton will be visiting India this month as part of his long standing commitment to the Asia Pacific region. Clinton is expected to visit Lucknow and Jaipur in this tour where he will be monitoring the...

    Keywords: Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation in India, Bill Clinton India Visit, Bill Clinton

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    Politics Jokes, Clintons Jokes, the clintons and the hooker, Clinton

    The Clintons and the Hooker 18 August 2015

    Bill Clinton is out jogging around in some of the seedier areas of Washington, D.C. He notices a good looking prostitute. She sees him and calls out, “Fifty dollars!”He's tempted, but the price is a little high, so he calls...

    Keywords: Clintons Jokes, Jokes, Politics Jokes, Jokes

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