Dhammu movie

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  • M M Keeravani, Boyapati Seenu, dammu a success, Dhammu movie

    'Dammu'... a success?? 04 May 2012

    Right from past 8 to 9 months at least, even today after a week release of the movie, we are talking about N.T.R’s ‘Dammu’… this out and out commercial film, that is being directed by Boyapati Seenu, who is known...

    Keywords: Dhammu movie, Dammu success, Boyapati Seenu, Boyapati Seenu

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    Trisha, Trisha, jr ntr completes dubbing for dhammu, Dhammu movie

    Jr NTR completes dubbing for Dhammu 21 March 2012

    Young Tiger NTR has completed dubbing for his upcoming film ‘Dhammu’.  The movie is scheduled for an April release and only a song remains to be shot. Post production work is on at full swing in Prasad labs. Boyapati Sreenu...

    Keywords: Dubbing for Dhammu, Dhammu Wallpapers, Jr NTR Dhammu, Dhammu movie stills

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