• WHO, WHO, first world immunization week from today, Diarrhoea

    First World Immunization Week from today 21 April 2012

    Immunization saves between 2 and 3 million lives each year. Vaccines are relatively inexpensive and extremely powerful weapons against disease, disability and death. They protect people of all ages, from babies to senior citizens, against life-threatening diseases. For the first...

    Keywords: diphtheria, hepatitis A and B, hepatitis A and B, measles

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    pregnancy, dehydration, air travel tips for pregnant women, Diarrhoea

    Air Travel Tips for Pregnant Women 06 January 2014

    If pregnancy is regenerative for your body, mind and soul, so is vacationing. However, pregnant moms often have some reservations on traveling far and for obvious reasons. If air travel is a concern for you, we bring you three expert...

    Keywords: air travel, Women Health News, women health, pregnancy

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    diarrhoea, cumin seeds, health benefits right in your kitchen, Diarrhoea

    Health benefits right in your kitchen! 01 December 2012

    Now, this makes me remember of the days my grandmother and mother used to treat any injury or cut, with turmeric… in the process of growing up and learning new things, we must have forgot the health benefits our own...

    Keywords: pain killer, iron, stomach pain, turmeric

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