Elections tana

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  • elections tana, tana elections, tana announces elections, Elections tana

    TANA announces elections 24 January 2013

    Telugu Association of North America (TANA) has announced elections to board of directors and executive committees. The chairman of the election committee, Mr Gudavaram Paparao has released the election notification. In total there are four seats for board of directors....

    Keywords: election nominations tana, tana board of directors elections, tana board of directors elections, elections tana

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    tana board of directors elections, tana elections, tana announces elections, Elections tana

    TANA announces elections 24 January 2013

    Telugu Association of North America (TANA) has announced elections to board of directors and executive committees. The chairman of the election committee, Mr Gudavaram Paparao has released the election notification. In total there are four seats for board of directors....

    Keywords: telugu association of north america, tana elections, tana elections, tana elections

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