External shocks

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  • emerging market, global rating agency S&P, india is a strong investment destination wef, External shocks

    India is a strong investment destination: WEF 30 January 2012

    US Trade Representative Ron Kirk said the US does not consider India as an emerging market and perception in the US is that Indian can do whatever job the American can. "They can make their own iPads and do much...

    Keywords: World Economic Forum, democratic processes and economic growth, European crisis, World Economic Forum summit 2012

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    Moody’s, Moody’s, indian economy strong to face external shocks, External shocks

    Indian economy strong to face external shocks 23 April 2015

    Rating agency Moody's said emerging economies in Asia Pacific region, including India, have a high degree of immunity to external shocks, but will face challenges when the US Federal Reserve begins raising interest rates. "A common challenge for emerging economies...

    Keywords: APAC, Asia Pacific sovereigns, Moody’s, APAC

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