Facebook ceo mark zuckerberg

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  • Facebook, Indian Map, facebook ceo mark zuckerberg posts an infographic indian map without j k, Facebook ceo mark zuckerberg

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posts an infographic Indian Map without J&K 15 May 2015

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has managed to anger a lot of Indians after he posted an infographic which left out Jammu Kashmir from the India map. Basically, in an image post about his most ambitious plan to bring Internet.org to...

    Keywords: Indian Map, Facebook, Indian Map, Facebook

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    Facebook, Facebook users, facebook losses in whatsapp, Facebook ceo mark zuckerberg

    Facebook losses in WhatsApp 29 October 2014

    Social networking site, Facebook has revealed its mobile ad revenue but the results were not up to the mark when it comes to WhatsApp, which Facebook bought very recently. The advertising revenue by 64 percent in the third quarter with...

    Keywords: WhatsApp revenue, Facebook, Facebook mobile ad revenue, WhatsApp revenue

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