Facebook integration

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  • facebook whatsapp, facebook integration, non facebook users can use facebook messenger, Facebook integration

    Non-Facebook users can use Facebook Messenger 05 December 2012

    Amid rumors that Facebook has been negotiating with Whatsapp, it today rolled out a new change, which allows android mobile phone users to use the application without a Facebook account but with just your phone number. Sign up with your...

    Keywords: messaging service, instant message, Android phones in India, facebook messenger

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    Qualcomm, Facebook Phone, htc facebook phone real pics leaked, Facebook integration

    HTC Facebook phone real! Pics leaked 04 April 2013

    Android phones are greatly intertwined with the social networking websites and applications. Earlier there were rumors that Facebook was planning on its own phone based on the Google's Operating System Android. The rumors seemed to be true when Facebook has...

    Keywords: Facebook Phone, Google, Google, Android

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