Facebook messenger

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  • facebook messenger, Facebook buying Whatsapp, facebook to own whatsapp after instagram, Facebook messenger

    Facebook to own Whatsapp after Instagram 04 December 2012

    Whatsapp is has replaced several million's messaging application while offering services for free and one can use it limitlessly as TRAI implications are not applicable to the app that is popular with iOS, Android and Blackberry users. With over a...

    Keywords: Facebook buying Whatsapp, Facebook buys Instagram, Facebook buying Whatsapp, WhatsApp

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    Send money, Facebook, send money through facebook, Facebook messenger

    Send money through Facebook 18 March 2015

    Facebook's Messenger app will soon help you to send money to your friends, the latest in the field of services aimed at an increasingly wireless and cashless generation. Facebook's entry to this field is announced on March 17, is free...

    Keywords: Payment systems, Payment systems, Facebook, Facebook

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    Facebook Instagram, Facebook Messenger, facebook messenger hits 1 3 billion monthly active users mark, Facebook messenger

    Facebook Messenger Hits 1.3 Billion Monthly Active Users Mark 15 September 2017

    Facebook Messenger Hits 1.3 Billion Monthly Active Users Mark:- Facebook Messenger now has more than 1.3 billion monthly active users. The application had crossed 1 billion monthly active users mark in July last year. “We’ve continued working hard to make...

    Keywords: Facebook Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Messenger, 1.3 Billion Monthly Active Users Mark

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    Facebook Messenger, Flipkart, open internet the next step for connectivity, Facebook messenger

    Open internet, the next step for connectivity 06 April 2015

    Net neutrality means on the Internet, all bits are equal. A consultation paper about net neutrality by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) will be published soon. With the data access you pay for, you can watch a YouTube...

    Keywords: TRAI, iMessage, Telecom operators, Flipkart

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    Android phones in India, facebook integration, non facebook users can use facebook messenger, Facebook messenger

    Non-Facebook users can use Facebook Messenger 05 December 2012

    Amid rumors that Facebook has been negotiating with Whatsapp, it today rolled out a new change, which allows android mobile phone users to use the application without a Facebook account but with just your phone number. Sign up with your...

    Keywords: facebook users, Android phones in India, instant message, messaging service

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    Twitter, Whatsapp, direct messaging can be lengthy upto 10000 characters twitter, Facebook messenger

    Direct messaging can be lengthy upto 10000 characters, Twitter 13 June 2015

    Twitter has announced that it would get rid of the 140-character limit on direct messaging and will now allow users to send direct messages that are 10,000 characters long. The fierce competition in the messaging space with the likes of...

    Keywords: Whatsapp, Whatsapp, Facebook messenger, Direct messaging

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