Faction leader suri

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  • Dinesh Reddy, Suri's case, allu arvind meets dgp, Faction leader suri

    Allu Arvind meets DGP 23 June 2012

    Noted film producers including Allu Arvind has met DGP Dinesh Reddy and complained of the harassments faced by some producers based on just allegations in connection with Suri's case. It is known that faction leader Suri was murdered long back...

    Keywords: Natti Kumar, Allu Arvind meets DGP, Dinesh Reddy, faction leader Suri

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    TDP, Suryanarayana Reddy, widow of faction leader suri meets cm, Faction leader suri

    Widow of faction leader Suri meets CM 28 April 2012

    The widow of faction leader Gangula Suryanarayana Reddy alias Maddalecheruvu Suri, Gangula Bhanumati has met the chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy at his camp office today. Bhanumati wanted the government to take special interest in the probing the death case...

    Keywords: TDP, TDP, TDP, Bhanumati

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    faction leader Suri, Bhanu, charge sheet filed in suri murder case, Faction leader suri

    Charge sheet filed in Suri murder case 30 April 2011

    The Hyderabad Central Crime Station police filed charge sheet in the murder case of faction leader Maddelacheruvu Suri in the court of the XII additional chief metropolitan magistrate on Friday. The police said in the 25-page charge sheet that Bhanu,...

    Keywords: Suri murder case, faction leader Suri, Bhanu, faction leader Suri

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