Fast data transfer lifi

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  • Li-Fi replace WiFi, Fast data transfer LiFi, li fi faster and cheaper than wi fi, Fast data transfer lifi

    Li-Fi Faster and Cheaper than Wi-Fi 18 October 2013

    WiFi presently used for getting internet connection that is treated as the fastest mode to get connectivity is going to become obsolete with the new invention of LiFi by Chinese scientists. Li-Fi will prove as an asset to the netizens...

    Keywords: Connectivity with light, Fast data transfer LiFi, WiFi, Connectivity with light

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    WiFi, LiFi, li fi to replace wi fi, Fast data transfer lifi

    Li-Fi to Replace Wi-Fi 18 October 2013

    WiFi presently used for getting internet connection that is treated as the fastest mode to get connectivity is going to become obsolete with the new invention of LiFi by Chinese scientists. Li-Fi will prove as an asset to the netizens...

    Keywords: WiFi, WiFi, Connectivity with light, Connectivity with light

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