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  • Non-bailable Warrant issued to Jeevitha and Rajasekhar, Non-bailable Warrant issued to Jeevitha and Rajasekhar, nbw for jeevitha and rajasekhar, Financier paramdhama reddy

    NBW for Jeevitha And Rajasekhar 07 October 2013

    In a cheque bouncing case, Jeevitha and Rajasekhar are issued a Non-bailable Warrant (NBW). As the cheque issued by them to their family's close person and a financier Paramdhama Reddy for Rs.36 lakhs was bounced, a case was registered by...

    Keywords: Nampally Criminal Courts, Nampally Criminal Courts, cheque bouncing case of Jeevitha and Rajasekhar, Non-bailable Warrant (NBW)

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