Flight operations

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  • vacancies in Civil aviation, Flight Operations Inspector Posts, jobs civil aviation recruitment 2014, Flight operations

    JOBS: Civil Aviation Recruitment 2014 26 April 2014

    Directorate General of Civil Aviation [DGCA] is going to conduct recruitment drive 2014 to hire the applicants for post of Flight Operations Inspector (Aeroplane). There 29 vacancies across India and the last date for applying is 30th of April. Aspirants...

    Keywords: vacancies in Civil aviation, airlines transport pilots license, vacancies in DGCA, DGCA India

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    IGIA, IGIA, flight serivices unaffected by the power outages, Flight operations

    Flight serivices unaffected by the power outages 31 July 2012

    Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport had no interruption of services even after the power supply was snappeed for the second day in a row after North grid collapse. Electricity supply stops at 1:04 pm but fortunately due to the diesel...

    Keywords: DIAL, indira gandhi international airport, indira gandhi international airport, flight operations

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