GHMC Introduces Feed The Need 01 February 2019
GHMC Introduces Feed The Need:- Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has been in plans to feed the people who are in need. GHMC announced that they would place public refrigerators so that people can donate their food left in these fridges...
Keywords: GHMC, Feed the Need latest, Feed the Need new, Feed the Need latest
Read MoreRussian woman says, I have an alien in my fridge 18 November 2011
A Russian woman has asserted, For the past two years she has had an extra-terrestrial creature in her fridge. The Sun reported, Marta Yegorovnam told investigators she found the alien at a crash site after hearing a loud bang outside...
Keywords: Russian, in, alien, an
Read MoreWhat to cook for a meal? 22 May 2013
If you happen to be in a sticky situation when it comes to deciding what to cook for the meals, this tip is your pot of gold. Not always can your partner or your flatmate be of great help with...
Keywords: cook for a meal, ingredients of the recipe, confusion or brainfreezes, shopping for the week
Read MorePimple free skin... naturally 29 March 2013
Want a pimple free skin? Then follow these tips; Never prick and pierce the pimples. Instead keep a clean towel in fridge for a hour, after you wash your face, put that towel on your face. Rub ice cubes on...
Keywords: natural skin, natural skin, people free skin, people free skin
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