Gujarat riots 2002

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  • Congress uses Vajpayee's photo, Congress party website, congress uses vajpayee s image, Gujarat riots 2002

    Congress uses Vajpayee's image 11 April 2014

    The Congress party shocked the Bharatiya Janata Party by using former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's photo in its website. The photo was published with a caption “Nobody to remind BJP of its Raj Dharma” which directly meant for BJP's...

    Keywords: Congress uses Vajpayee's photo, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Congress party website, Congress uses Vajpayee's photo

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    Narendra Modi, Gujarat riots 2002, modi shouldn t be blamed for riots, Gujarat riots 2002

    Modi shouldn't be blamed for riots 06 September 2014

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that Narendra Modi should not be blamed for the Gujarat riots in 2002. In an exclusive interview to a TV channel, Abbott opined that Modi who was then chief minister of Gujarat was just...

    Keywords: Tony Abbott state visit India, Tony Abbott, Tony Abbott state visit India, Tony Abbott

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