Hazratganj police

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  • BJP leader Dayashankar Singh, BJP leader Dayashankar Singh, fir filed against mayavati and bsp leaders, Hazratganj police

    FIR filed against Mayavati and BSP leaders 23 July 2016

    The family of expelled BJP leader Dayashankar Singh has lodged an FIR against Mayawati and some BSP leaders for allegedly using foul language against them during their public protest. Dayashankar’s mother Tetra Devi filed a complaint against the BSP leaders...

    Keywords: FIR against Mayavati, BJP leader Dayashankar Singh, FIR against Mayavati, BJP leader Dayashankar Singh

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    Inauguration., Inauguration., lock up with a amenities to be opened in new year at hazratganj police station, Hazratganj police

    Lock up with A+ amenities to be opened in New Year at Hazratganj Police Station 31 December 2011

    The Uttar Pradesh department plans to remodel the existing Hazratganj Police Station in Lucknow. The cells will have an area of 150 sft (15x10) and can now accommodate nearly 30 inmates. The walls and the floor are tiled. The rooms...

    Keywords: Inauguration., Basic amenities, Basic amenities, Hazratganj Police Station

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