• 117 persons lost lives, Apathbandhu Scheme, sunstroke toll today reaches 130, Heat waves

    Sunstroke toll today reaches 130 25 May 2013

    So far today 130 persons lost their lives due to heat waves in the State.  Yesterday a record death of 293 was reported in the State due to heat waves.  Khammam district especially coal belt area went to a record...

    Keywords: reports of sunstroke deaths, drink water frequently, 117 persons lost lives, wrath of the Sun

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    Apathbandhu Scheme of the Government, Timely taking of water and cool drinks, ap under heat waves toll 20, Heat waves

    AP under heat waves toll 20 24 May 2013

    The State boiling with unbearable heat for the last three days touched 47.50 Celsius yesterday.  20 deaths due to sunstroke were reported yesterday mostly from Telangana and Coastal areas.  Children and old became prey for the heat waves.  The temperature...

    Keywords: State boiling with unbearable heat, AP under heat waves, Rentachintala in Guntur District recorded highest of 47.50, proper care and safety measures

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    K Chandrasekhar Rao, Heat Waves, telangana cm kcr directs summer holidays of schools to start from today, Heat waves

    Telangana CM KCR Directs Summer Holidays Of Schools To Start From Today 19 April 2017

    The Telangana Chief Minister, Mr. K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR), has directed that the summer holidays of schools should start from today. KCR declared in view of the heavy heat in many parts of the State, five days ahead of schedule....

    Keywords: K Chandrasekhar Rao, K Chandrasekhar Rao, Summer Holidays, Heat Waves

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    due to wind, Natural calamities, after heat it is wind now, Heat waves

    After heat it is wind now 29 May 2013

    After the heat waves it is the turn of the wind blowing and rain to disrupt normal life in the State. A huge tree in front of GHMC office in Hyderabad fell down due to wind and some two wheelers...

    Keywords: causing global warming, causing global warming, Nature, Nature

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    Heat Waves, Heat Waves, heat waves kills 100 more in telangana and andhra pradesh states, Heat waves

    Heat Waves kills 100 more in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States 26 May 2015

    Heat Waves in this burning hot Summer kills 100 more in Andhra Pradesh and in Telangana on Monday, as the two states continued to reel under temperatures above forty. The waves increased like wildfire and took away as many as...

    Keywords: Summer, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Heat Waves

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    Telangana and Andhra Pradesh latest, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh breaking updates, severe heat waves in telugu states for the next 3 days, Heat waves

    Severe Heat Waves in Telugu states for the Next 3 Days 17 May 2023

    Severe Heat Waves in Telugu states for the Next 3 Days:- Telangana and Andhra Pradesh would have an increase in heat waves in the next coming three days. Temperatures in Andhra Pradesh have already touched 46 degrees and in the...

    Keywords: Telangana and Andhra Pradesh heatwave, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh latest, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh soaring

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