OSTEOPOROSIS-it's painful! 19 January 2013
OSTEOPOROSIS is characterized by reduction in the bone mass of the skeleton. There are several causes that precipitate the disease. They are as follows: Calcium deficiency, prolonged steroid administration, chronic malnutrition, bone marrow disorders and diabetes. Usually there are no...
Keywords: pain, bone, homoeopathy medicines, cure
Read MoreIndian Doctors Developing Medicine for HIV and Ebola? 03 April 2015
It seems much progress in developing the medicine for deadly HIV and Ebola has become happy news for the researchers and patients across the globe. As per the study published in Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy, a...
Keywords: HIV Drugs in India, World Homoeopathy Summit, Homoeopathy medicines with Crotalus Horridus, World Homoeopathy Summit
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