Hostel warden

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  • warden, patha bhavan school, hostel warden arrested as he forces a girl to lick her own urine, Hostel warden

    Hostel warden arrested as he forces a girl to lick her own urine 09 July 2012

    A hostel warden of Patha Bhavan School, Santiniketan, West Bengal was arrested after he forced a girl to lick her urine. This incident happened on the night of Saturday, in the school hostel. Uma Poddar was caught after the daily...

    Keywords: warden, bedwetting, patha bhavan school, Shantiniketan

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    Kerala, Kerala, harassment by seniors and hostel wardens led 4 atheletes commit suicide in kerala, Hostel warden

    Harassment by seniors and hostel wardens led 4 atheletes commit suicide in Kerala 07 May 2015

    A 15-year-old sportsperson died early today and three others, all undergoing training at Water Sports Centre of Sports Authority of India here have been hospitalised, after they ate a poisonous fruit in an apparent suicide pact following alleged harassment by...

    Keywords: Kerala, Kerala, Water Sports Centre of Sports Authority of India, Kerala

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    flesh trade, Vijayawada, 3 arrested in ganavaram mjm hostel sex scandal, Hostel warden

    3 arrested in Ganavaram MJM hostel sex scandal 10 May 2012

    In a major breakthrough, the special police teams investigating the infamous MJM hostel sex scandal have arrested three persons in connection with the case. The nabbed persons include the former hostel warden Vijaya Kumari, administrative officer Ch Bhaskara Rao and...

    Keywords: Vijayawada, MJM hostel sex scandal, Vijayawada, flesh trade

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    Harassment, student, medchal hostel warden arrested for harassing class 8 student, Hostel warden

    Medchal: Hostel Warden Arrested for Harassing Class 8 Student 23 January 2017

    In a shocking incident of sexual assault, a hostel in-charge of a private residential school at Medchal was arrested after parents of a class 8 student lodged a complaint of harassment against him on Friday. According to the Medchal police,...

    Keywords: Harassment, Medchal, warden arrested, student

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