Hugo chavez

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  • Hugo Chavez  dead, Nicolas Maduro, chavez is dead, Hugo chavez

    "Chavez is dead! 06 March 2013

    President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela died on Tuesday afternoon after a long battle with cancer, the government announced, leaving behind a bitterly divided nation in the grip of a political crisis that grew more acute as he weakened for weeks,...

    Keywords: Venezuela, Chavez is dead, Hugo Chavez movement., Hugo Chavez movement.

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    Venezuela., severe infection, hugo chavez critical, Hugo chavez

    Hugo Chavez critical! 05 March 2013

    According to Venezuela's government President Hugo Chavez's respiratory problems have gotten critical and that the ailing leader is in “very delicate” condition. Moreover, late Monday Communications Minister Ernesto Villegas said in a statement which read on national television that the...

    Keywords: Venezuela President, Venezuela., Venezuela., Venezuela.

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    Venezuela  politics, Venezuela  politics, slideshow hugo rafael chavez frias 1954 2013, Hugo chavez

    SLIDESHOW: Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias (1954 - 2013) 06 March 2013

    Keywords: Caracas, Nicolas Maduro, Latin American, Caracas

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