• indore, narcotic substance, iim indore faces drug menace again three students gets expelled, Iim indore

    IIM-Indore faces drug menace again; three students gets expelled 23 November 2012

    Three students of Indian Institute of Management in Indore were expelled on Friday for allegedly taking drugs in their hostel room. The action against the MBA students came after they were caught taking drugs by the staff of the elite...

    Keywords: indian institute of management, narcotic substance, indore, narcotic substance

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    Indian Inistitue of Management, Indian Inistitue of Management, institutes boast about packages, Iim indore

    Institutes boast about packages 02 May 2012

    Literary education is of no value if it's not able to build up a sound character -M.K. Gandhi. With everyone aiming at white collar jobs, the ultimate aim of education (which was once to build up strong character) has been...

    Keywords: PGP, Indian Inistitue of Management, Rs.53 lakh package, PGP

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