• vacancies IIT Delhi, IIT, jobs assistant other posts in iit delhi, Iit delhi

    JOBS: Assistant & Other posts in IIT-Delhi 22 October 2014

    Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi has disclosed a recruitment drive to hire candidates eligible for various posts. Applicants need to have completed graduation or post graduation from any recognised university in the country. Post Name Vacancies Pay Scales Student Counselor...

    Keywords: IIT, vacancies catering IIT Delhi, Jobs IIT Delhi, IIT Delhi

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    Shailendra Lal., taken into custody, iit delhi student taken into custody for threating iit kanpur girl, Iit delhi

    IIT Delhi student taken into custody for threating IIT Kanpur girl 10 February 2012

    On Thursday February 9 an IIT Delhi student named as Surendra Bhukhiya who is studying third year of textile engineering was taken into custody from the college's campus and brought Kanpur for the reason of purportedly threatening an IIT Kanpur girl,...

    Keywords: threating, Shailendra Lal., IIT Kanpur girl, Surendra Bhukhiya

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    Chip to avoid radiation., Environics chip mobile, enviro chips to avoid harmful radiation from mobiles pcs, Iit delhi

    Enviro chips to avoid harmful radiation from mobiles, PCs 19 November 2011

    While there are many studies, which lay out the harmful effects of radiation emanated by mobile phones, personal computers, the use of these devices have become essential to a normal day functioning in urban life -- so the solution lies...

    Keywords: IIT delhi mobile radiation, Mobile radiation, Mobile radiation, chip to avoid mobile radiation

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    IIT Delhi, IIT Delhi recruitment, iit delhi students mint crores, Iit delhi

    IIT-Delhi students mint crores 09 December 2014

    Students of Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi have bagged jobs with crores and the highest package is Rs 1.42 crores annually which is USD 2,30,000. The recruitment drive in the campus have begin and in the first week, students were...

    Keywords: IIT Delhi recruitment, IIT Placements, IIT Delhi recruitment, IIT Delhi students

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