Illegal indian immigrants

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  • illegal foreign nationals in the US, Illegal immigrants, 2 40 000 illegal indian immigrants residing in us, Illegal indian immigrants

    2,40,000 illegal Indian immigrants residing in US 24 March 2012

    Indians constitute a mere 2.08 percent of the total number of 11.5 million foreign illegal immigrants living in the United States. According to latest figures released by the US authorities, an estimated 2,40,000 Indian immigrants have been illegally staying in...

    Keywords: immigrants, illegal foreign nationals in the US, illegal foreign nationals in the US, Homeland Security

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    illegal Indian immigrants, illegal Indian immigrants, illegal indians in uk returning home, Illegal indian immigrants

    Illegal Indians in UK returning home 15 May 2012

    Shattered dreams lead a man to the brinks of desperation. This is what happening to illegal Indian immigrants in UK. After the David Cameron government stepped up its vigil on such cases the only reluctant result seems to be deportation....

    Keywords: London dreams, illegal Indian immigrants, emergency travel documents, emergency travel documents

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    Illegal Indian immigrants in US, Illegal Indian immigrants in US, indians reaching us illegally through mexico border, Illegal indian immigrants

    Indians reaching US illegally through Mexico border 07 February 2011

    The Obama Administration is increasingly getting alarmed over the growing illegal immigration of Indians, especially from Punjab and Gujarat, into its country through the Mexican border seeking the help of the organized crime gangs, according to a report published in...

    Keywords: Mexican border, Mexican border, Illegal Indian immigrants in US, Mexican border

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