In cell technology

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  • iPhone 5, LG, iphone 5 to have a slimmer screen wsj, In cell technology

    iPhone 5 to have a slimmer screen: WSJ 17 July 2012

    Apple's upcoming next generation iPhone, popular among the crowds by the name, iPhone 5, has been confirmed to have a much thinner screen than the one that it previously sported according to a report on Tuesday. The new developed touch-screen...

    Keywords: LG, next generation iPhone, Apple, LG

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    liver grown in lab, organ harvesting, the future is here scientists grow human liver, In cell technology

    The future is here - scientists grow human liver 04 July 2013

    It may not be long before patients can order organs off the shelves. Scientists say it may be another 10 years but progress is rapid. Recently, a group of researchers in London succeeded in creating a liver in the lab...

    Keywords: organ harvesting, stem cell technology, Organ transplant, organ harvesting

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