Indian lawmakers

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  • Narendra Modi Visa to US, Washington post, indian lawmakers appeal to us, Indian lawmakers

    Indian Lawmakers Appeal to US? 25 July 2013

    Washington post says, "It is almost unthinkable that Indian lawmakers would appeal to the United States to take a stand on an internal matter. Most Indian politicians, many of whom still nurse a Cold War-era suspicion of Washington, would bristle...

    Keywords: Washington post, Narendra MOdi denied Visa to US, Rajyasabha, US Immigration

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    cases involving MPs and MLAs, Cases on Lawmakers must be solved in an year, cases on lawmakers must be solved in an year, Indian lawmakers

    Cases on Lawmakers must be solved in an year 10 March 2014

    The Supreme Court of India on Monday said that cases involving MPs and MLAs [Lawmakers] must be completed in an year. The apex has set the deadline for the Lower courts to complete the trial in cases involving MPs and...

    Keywords: in the news, Chief Justice of High Court, Supreme Court, trails on Lawmakers

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