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  • Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, Artiligence Bio-Innovations, chanelised kickbacks into jagan co, Innovations

    Chanelised kickbacks into Jagan & Co 21 January 2012

    The whole scenario that unravels in the wake of the Central Bureau of Investigations report about Y S R Congress Chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, speak volumes of intelligent brains working behind the screen. The modus operandi was simple...

    Keywords: Well planned networks, Keerthi Electro Systems, ETP Corporation, Well planned networks

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    Microsoft India's Pratima amonkar., Software technology, spreading awareness about tech innovations the microsoft way, Innovations

    Spreading awareness about tech innovations the Microsoft way 11 February 2012

    Software giant Microsoft has launched its annual DreamSpark Yatra to to share knowledge and spread awareness about innovations in technology that aims at targeting 60,000 students in 100 cities across the country. "The DreamSpark Yatra is our annual initiative aimed...

    Keywords: Software gaint Microsoft, Microsoft India's Pratima amonkar., Software gaint Microsoft, Software technology

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    Innovations, JNTU-H, technofest 2012 in jntu h commences, Innovations

    Technofest 2012 in JNTU-H commences 17 March 2012

    The technical developments that are frequently updated need to be harnessed for the nation’s development. On these lines the Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University in Hyderabad is conducting an event called Technofest 2012. The event scheduled for the day went on...

    Keywords: Innovate., Innovate., Innovators, Innovate.

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    cyber security, cloud storage, it engineers should take innovations to next level modi, Innovations

    IT engineers should take innovations to next level - Modi 02 March 2015

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech at a Nasscom event in the capital urged young IT engineers to take innovation to the next level. Cyber security, mobile apps and cloud storage were buzz words in Prime Minister’s speech. "You are doing...

    Keywords: cyber security, E-governance, E-governance, E-governance

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