• ISRO recruitment 2014, Jobs News, jobs isro recruitment drive 2014, Isro jobs

    JOBS: ISRO Recruitment Drive 2014 28 June 2014

    Indian Space Research Organization is looking for skilled and proficient candidates for filling up various posts. A total of 26 vacancies are to be filled and Diploma/Master Degree are the necessary qualifications in relevant fields. Technical Assistant [14], Scientific Assistant...

    Keywords: Jobs in ISRO, vacancies in ISRO, vacancies in ISRO, ISRO

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    ISRO jobs, Nurse Jobs ISRO, jobs technical jobs in isro, Isro jobs

    JOBS: Technical jobs in ISRO 09 September 2014

    Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] has circulated a notification for filling of 91 vacancies. Technical assistants, Nurses and various other slots will be filled in this recruitment drive. Candidates who are willing to apply must have completed SSLC/SSC with ITI/Graduation/Diploma...

    Keywords: Technicians Jobs ISRO, ISRO, ISRO, Technical Assistants Jobs ISRO

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