Anna: Slapping Pawar is for betterment of society, permissible 08 December 2011
The anti corruption crusader Anna Hazare a follower of non-violence advocated that the slap on the union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar is not a wrong act of violence. He said the act was for the benefit of the society and...
Keywords: Sharad Pawar retorts, Anna Hazare, Sharad Pawar, Sharad Pawar retorts
Read MoreAnna Hazare justifies 'just one slap' remark against Sharad Pawar 07 December 2011
Acknowledging that he "committed violence" when he made the infamous remark "just one slap" after Sharad Pawar was attacked in Delhi last month, On Tuesaday Anna Hazare said he did not consider this violence as wrong. "For the betterment of the...
Keywords: Anna Hazare, just one slap, attacked in Delhi, Sharad Pawar
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