Komati venkat reddy

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  • 25 January, Komati Venkat Reddy, komati reddy brothers radars changed from ysrcp to trs, Komati venkat reddy

    Komati Reddy Brothers radars changed from YSRCP to TRS! 25 January 2013

    It is true that there are no permanent friends or enemies in politics and it is a permutation with combinations that rule the roost. Well the Komati Reddy brothers are no exception either. Former minister Komati Venkat Reddy and his...

    Keywords: Komati Rajagopal Reddy, Komati Rajagopal Reddy, YSRCP, TRS Congress

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    T Leaders, T decision, t congress letter to sonia now or never ultimatum, Komati venkat reddy

    T congress letter to Sonia, now or never ultimatum 25 January 2013

    The Telangana Congress leaders met at party MP at Manda Jaganatham's residence on Friday (January 25) and have equivocally urged for a T state. Looks like they have also sent a letter to the Congress led UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi...

    Keywords: three state formula, T Leaders, T Leaders, Sonia

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