Labour minister

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  • Danam Nagender, government, raghavulu warns govt, Labour minister

    Raghavulu warns govt 16 August 2012

    CPM state secretary BV Raghavulu has warned the government that the party would revolt in case the government doesn't solve the problems of the industrial workers. He has expressed his displeasure over the government and stated that it was supporting...

    Keywords: government, labour minister, BV Raghavulu, Danam Nagender

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    Telangana sentiment, Telangana sentiment, danam nagendar refuses to resign, Labour minister

    Danam Nagendar refuses to resign 08 July 2011

    Labour minister Danam Nagendar today refused to quit his cabinet post or assembly seat on the issue of Telangana saying he has respects for the Telangana sentiment but has got more respects for the congress party high command. Speaking to...

    Keywords: Labour minister Danam Nagendar, Telangana sentiment, Labour minister Danam Nagendar, Telangana sentiment

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