Latin american

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  • pope francis had his gigantic beach mass brazil, pope francis left brazil, pope francis had his gigantic beach mass brazil, Latin american

    Pope Francis had his gigantic beach mass Brazil 29 July 2013

    Pope Francis left Brazil late on Sunday subsequent to leading a gigantic beach mass for three million pilgrims, ending his historic trip to intensify Catholic passion accompanying an appeal for a humbler Church. The first Latin American-born pontiff flew back...

    Keywords: rio de janeiro, humbler church, brazil, world youth day.

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    Chavez is dead, Latin American, slideshow hugo rafael chavez frias 1954 2013, Latin american

    SLIDESHOW: Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias (1954 - 2013) 06 March 2013

    Keywords: Chavez is dead, death of a socialist, Latin American, Hugo Chavez dead

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