Hillary Clinton Speaks About Amitabh Bacchan In Leaked Emails 05 November 2016
The former Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton, who is also the current Democratic Presidential nominee, has once asked about Indian megastar Amitabh Bacchan, according to the leaked emails, which has been published. A national political reporter...
Keywords: US Presidential Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, leaked emails of Clinton
Read MoreOsama in news after death 07 March 2012
Remember Osama Bin Laden who terrorized the world and was later holed up in Pakistanin the aerial attack by US marines. As per claims exposed in a leaked intelligence email the terrorizing Osama Bin Laden was not buried in the...
Keywords: leaked emails, Stratfor, WikiLeaks, Osama Bin Laden
Read MoreOsama betrayed? 10 March 2012
This is a question that haunts the minds of the general public, though the protagonists rejoice over the death, but still some questions do linger in the minds like…… Innumerous questions remain unanswered, in the minds of the people on...
Keywords: leader of Al-Qaeda, leader of Al-Qaeda, Shadow CIA, Stratfor
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