• Reason for the longer life span of women. Longetivity of women, Why women have more life span than men?, reason for women s longevity, Longevity

    Reason for women’s longevity 09 July 2015

    Women have longer lives when compared to men, claims a new study performed by the researchers at the University of Southern California Davis School of Gerontology. Researchers wondered why does this occur and was this always the case. They found...

    Keywords: Reason for the longer life span of women. Longetivity of women, Women live longer than men, why women live more, Women live longer than men

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    Liver cirrhosis news, Liver cirrhosis treatment, how to improve the longevity of liver, Longevity

    How to improve the longevity of Liver? 17 January 2022

    How to improve the longevity of Liver:- Liver happens to be one of the crucial and important organs of the human body. It helps to digest the food and the storage of energy by removing the toxins. The liver is...

    Keywords: Liver Health news, Liver cirrhosis, Liver Health news, Liver Health research

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    Leander Paes, Leander Paes, heard what leander says about fitness, Longevity

    Heard what Leander says about fitness? 15 February 2012

    What makes Leander what he is today at 38? The question was exposed by an online media source, which is brought to you for enrichment. But much has gone into the player to top the list and do pride to...

    Keywords: Leander Paes, teetotaler, high energy levels, Criticism cool

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    Chronic stress may affect women’s longevity, Chronic stress may affect women’s longevity, chronic stress may affect women s longevity, Longevity

    Chronic stress may affect women’s longevity 19 June 2015

    According to a new study, the scientists from University of California have discovered that women under chronic stress have significantly lower levels of klotho, a hormone that regulates aging and enhances cognition. Many previous studies have linked stress with the higher...

    Keywords: Chronic stress may affect women’s longevity, Chronic stress may affect women’s longevity, Stressed women have lower levels of longevity hormone, women longevity affected by stress and depression

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