Looking younger

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  • how to look 10 years younger, how to look 10 years younger, group of genes behind looking young says study, Looking younger

    Group of genes behind looking young, says study 08 June 2015

    According to a new study by Harvard university, it was identified that a group of genes that allow some people to look up to 10 years younger than their actual age.The scientists studied 1 million people with private genetic database....

    Keywords: how to look 10 years younger, how to look 10 years younger, reason behind looking younger, Group of genes are the 'genetic recipe' for youthful skin

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    look and feel younger, look and feel younger, be young, Looking younger

    Be Young! 18 November 2011

    We definitely live in a youth obsessed culture because it seems like everyone wants to look younger than their age. If you are one of the lucky ones who was born with youthful genes and you naturally look young, you...

    Keywords: tips for young looking, look and feel younger, younger girls tips, young surgery

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