Manasara Movie Review 14 December 2010
Film: MANASAARABanner: Moving ImagesCast: Vikram, Sree Divya, Bhanuchander, George Vincent, Ramaraju, Annapurna, Usha Sree, Krishnamohan, Anitha, M S Narayana and others.Music: Sekhar ChandraCinematography: N Sudhakar ReddyDirector: Ravi BabuProducer: K Prakash BabuRelease date: 10/12/2010Story:A routine romantic tale, the story is about...
Keywords: Bhanuchander, the story is about Vikram (vikram) who lives in Hyderabad and he is basically a very chicken hearted guy. His family gets transferred to Rajapalayam in Kerala and this is a small place where ancient customs and traditions are followed. The settlement of issues is usually done by a fight of Kalari, Anitha, M S Narayana and others Music: Sekhar Chandra Cinematography: N Sudhakar Reddy Director: Ravi Babu Producer: K Prakash Babu Release date: 10/12/2010 Story A routine romantic tale
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