Mahender reddy

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  • TS code for vehicles in Telangana, Transport minister P Mahender Reddy, ts code for telangana, Mahender reddy

    TS code for Telangana 12 June 2014

    The central government has released a Gazette on Wednesday alloting TS code for vehicles in Telangana. Transport minister P Mahender Reddy made this news official and all the existing vehicles in Telangana with AP code will have to change within...

    Keywords: New code for vehicles in Telangana, Telangana State, TS code for vehicles in Telangana, New Vehicle Registration code for Telangana

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    Sravan, Kukunoorpally, police cracks sirisha prabhakar suicide case, Mahender reddy

    Police Cracks Sirisha-Prabhakar Suicide Case 17 June 2017

    Police Cracks Sirisha-Prabhakar Suicide Case:- The Hyderabad Police has achieved a milestone by successfully cracking the case of twin suicides of Kukunoorpally Sub Inspector P Prabhakar Reddy and a Hyderabad-based beautician and a married Andhra woman Sirisha. In a press...

    Keywords: Mahender Reddy, Kukunoorpally, Mahender Reddy, Hyderabad Police

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    Cyberabad Police, M Mahender Reddy, rate the police efficiency, Mahender reddy

    Rate the Police Efficiency 18 November 2014

    The Hyderabad Police have launched another unique initiative of taking feedback from public and rate their efficiency. The 'Citizen Satisfaction Feedback Service Wing' was started by Hyderabad Police Commissioner Mahender Reddy on Monday and the idea is to find out...

    Keywords: M Mahender Reddy, M Mahender Reddy, Hyderabad Police, Cyberabad Police

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