• first drive, Curiosity, curiosity makes its first drive on mars, Mars rover

    Curiosity makes its first drive on Mars 23 August 2012

    When could moving 15 feet be an important distance? One such situation I can remember is when a baby takes his first steps on his feet, though with a staggering gait. The feelings of NASA scientists couldn't have been any...

    Keywords: Curiosity, Curiosity, test drive,

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    Curiosity, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, mars rover curiosity lands on the surface, Mars rover

    Mars rover Curiosity lands on the surface 06 August 2012

    On 5:30 GMT, Curiosity the Mars science rover had landed on the surface of Mars to embark on a 2 year mission to seek evidences of life on the Planet that could have survived a while ago. At the Jet...

    Keywords: make-or-break descent, NASA, NASA, Curiosity

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    nasa news, drinkable water on the red planet, drinkable water on mars, Mars rover

    Drinkable Water on Mars? 17 June 2013

    With close resemblance 10 years have expired since NASA's Opportunity Mars rover launched in July 2003, yet it just provided a ground for its first evidence of water on the Red Planet. The prominent fact that the water seemed not...

    Keywords: life-sustaining, nasa opportunity mars rover, mars news, opportunity mars rover

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    laser, target practice, curiosity burns a hole in martian rock, Mars rover

    Curiosity burns a hole in Martian rock 21 August 2012

    After a few days of its successful make or break landing, Curiosity had transmitted color images of the surrounding in a 360 degree panoramic video showing the terrain on the Gale Crater. Now, recently the mars rover had zapped a...

    Keywords: Gale Crater, Mount Sharp, Mount Sharp, laser

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    Penis Drawing Mars, Rover Draws Penis Mars, nasa s phallic debacle, Mars rover

    NASA's phallic debacle 25 April 2013

    Curiosity, the high tech rover from NASA is apparently bored for being on the planet and out of loneliness it has been doodling on the red planet. One of it's cheeky designs was a poorly represented phallus. This has become...

    Keywords: Mars Rover Penis NASA, Mars Rover Penis NASA, Mars Rover Penis, Mars Rover

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    first panorama, mars, curiosity s first color 360 degree panorama, Mars rover

    Curiosity's first color 360 degree panorama 11 August 2012

    Curiosity, the latest Mars rover had landed on the red planet exactly six days ago. This is the first rover that had been sent to assess the biological aspects of the planet. With the information of the bacteria that survived...

    Keywords: first panorama, Curiosity, Curiosity, first panorama

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    investigation for methane, rover landed on mars, curiosity says martian atmosphere has no life support, Mars rover

    Curiosity says Martian atmosphere has no life support 21 September 2013

    During Thursday it has come up into prominence that National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (Nasa) Mars rover Curiosity couldn't justify it's investigation for methane in the planet's atmosphere. Methane gas happens to be a strong evidence of life on Earth....

    Keywords: geologic event, biological activity, formation of methane, formation of methane

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