• Mars, Inspiration Mars, a trip that could test the best of marriages, Martian

    A trip that could test the best of marriages! 01 March 2013

    On Wednesday, a tycoon announced plans to send a middle-aged couple on a privately-built spaceship to slingshot around the Red Planet and come back home hopefully with their bodies and marriage in one piece after 501 days of no-escape togetherness...

    Keywords: Taber MacCallum, spacecraft., Martian, Lewis and Clark

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    Mangalayan's First Photograph Helen Cyclone, ISRO, mangalayan s first photograph helen cyclone, Martian

    Mangalayan's First Photograph Helen Cyclone! 22 November 2013

    Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) called Mangalayan that is still in the Earth's orbit has sent the first photograph which is of Helen Cyclone. When the satellite took photographs on 19th, the depression over the Bay of Bengal was getting intensified...

    Keywords: Mangalayan Mars Orbitery Mission, Mangalayan on journey to Mars, Mangalayan's First Photograph Helen Cyclone, Mangalayan in Earth's orbit

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    navigational satellite, communication, india to launch first navigational satellite in june, Martian

    India to launch first navigational satellite in June! 16 March 2013

    According to a top official of the Department of Space (DoS) said on Saturday that India plans to launch its first navigational satellite in June. Moreover, DoS Secretary and Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) K Radhakrishnan it is...

    Keywords: India., India., India., Martian orbit

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    Sample Analysis on Mars (SAM), California Institute of Technology (Caltech), rock dating on mars surface, Martian

    Rock dating on Mars surface 13 December 2013

    First time in the history of mankind, researchers have predicted the age of a Martian rock successfully. The experiments are being performed on the Mars surface by a team of scientists led by geochemist Ken Farley of California Institute of...

    Keywords: red planet, Curiosity rover, Planet Mars, Sample Analysis on Mars (SAM)

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    Golden globes 2016, golden globe awards, golden globes 2016 the revenant and the martian tops, Martian

    Golden Globes 2016: ‘The Revenant’ and ‘The Martian’ tops 11 January 2016

    At The 73rd annual Golden Globes yesterday, the Revenant swept the winners board. Leonardo DiCaprio, was selected as the ‘Best Actor’, while Alejandro González Iñárritu was awarded the trophy in the ‘Best Director’ cateogory , at the ceremony held at...

    Keywords: golden globe awards, golden globe awards, Golden globes 2016, World news

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    Gale Crater, laser, curiosity burns a hole in martian rock, Martian

    Curiosity burns a hole in Martian rock 21 August 2012

    After a few days of its successful make or break landing, Curiosity had transmitted color images of the surrounding in a 360 degree panoramic video showing the terrain on the Gale Crater. Now, recently the mars rover had zapped a...

    Keywords: Mount Sharp, laser, target practice, target practice

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    national aeronautics and space administration, rover landed on mars, curiosity says martian atmosphere has no life support, Martian

    Curiosity says Martian atmosphere has no life support 21 September 2013

    During Thursday it has come up into prominence that National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (Nasa) Mars rover Curiosity couldn't justify it's investigation for methane in the planet's atmosphere. Methane gas happens to be a strong evidence of life on Earth....

    Keywords: mars rover curiosity, methane gas, life on earth, methane gas

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