• AP Municipal minister Narayana, KC Sivaramakrishnan committee, 30 000 acres rs 40 000 crores, Mckinsey

    30,000 Acres, Rs 40,000 crores 26 July 2014

    Andhra Pradesh government is estimating that it would need around 30,000 acres to construct the new capital of the state with all the amenities and facilities. Municipal minister Narayana who heads the state committee of the new capital said the...

    Keywords: 000 acres, 000 acres, AP capital needs 30, Andhra Pradesh new capital

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    TIME Magazine, McKinsey & company, rise fall of vikram akula in sks microfinance, Mckinsey

    Rise & fall of Vikram Akula in SKS Microfinance 23 November 2011

    Vikram Akula, the man who exploited the microfinance market with his SKS Micro finance and had given sleepless nights to his detractors and contemporaries alike, had to yield to the pressures of the company’s board and if sources are to...

    Keywords: SKS Microfinance, McKinsey & company, SKS Microfinance, Worlds 100 most influential people.

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    Raj Rajaratnam, , two year probation for anil kumar in insider case, Mckinsey

    Two-year probation for Anil Kumar in insider case 20 July 2012

    Anil Kumar who was the former partner of Mckinsey and helped the convition of Raj Rajaratnam and Rajat Gupta, both Wall Street tycoons, was sentenced to probation for 2 years on Thursday after he was charged with security fraud. He...

    Keywords: , Rajat Gupta, Mckinsey, Anil Kumar

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