Memory loss

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  • Depression shrinks brain’s memories and emotions, depression shrinks people’s brain, depression linked to memory loss study finds, Memory loss

    Depression linked to memory loss, study finds 08 July 2015

    According to a study performed by the University of Sydney researchers, it was revealed that Chronic and repeated episodes of depression can shrink the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for memory and emotion. For the study, 15 research...

    Keywords: Depression linked to memory loss, Chronic depression shrinks people’s brain, Depression shrinks brain’s memories and emotions, Depression shrinks brain’s memories and emotions

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    how to reverse alzeimers, alzeimers symptoms, green tea and exercise may overturn alzheimer s, Memory loss

    Green tea and exercise may overturn Alzheimer’s 06 May 2015

    According to a new study, it was revealed that, a compound found in green tea and voluntary exercise slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and may even reverse its effects. Alzeimers is a common disease found in many people nowadays with...

    Keywords: how to prevent alzeimers, green tea benefits, green tea benefits, green tea benefits

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    protein that causes memory loss, brain protein that causes Alzheimer’s and memory loss, brain protein causes alzheimer s and memory loss study revealed, Memory loss

    Brain protein causes Alzheimer’s and memory loss, study revealed 01 June 2015

    The study revealed a direct link between the main culprit of Alzheimer's disease and memory loss. The researchers proved brain protein as the main culprit for the progress of dementia that causes memory loss in healthy brains. Alzheimer's disease is...

    Keywords: brain protein that causes Alzheimer’s and memory loss, brain protein that causes Alzheimer’s and memory loss, brain protein that causes Alzheimer’s and memory loss, protein that causes memory loss

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    Memory loss, amnesia, karimnagar man suffers from memory loss being treated in dubai, Memory loss

    Karimnagar man suffers from memory loss, being treated in Dubai 02 March 2012

    The Karimnagar district officials are on the run to find out the family details of one Nerella Lacchaiah alias Laxman who has been undergoing treatment in Dubai for amnesia after sustaining a head injury in an accident. 43-year old Laxman...

    Keywords: Laxman, Karimnagar man, unskilled worker, Laxman

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    brain problems related to adolescent drinking, teenage binge drinking effects memory, binge drinking effects memory of teenagers, Memory loss

    Binge-drinking effects memory of teenagers 29 April 2015

    Heavy alcohol consumption in adolescent age may result in long lasting changes in parts of the brain and affects their memory, study revealed. The study was published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research."In the eyes of the law,...

    Keywords: alcohol consumption of teenagers damages brain cells, alcohol consumption of teenagers damages brain cells, alcohol consumption effects teenagers brain, effects of binge drinking

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