Met ys jagan

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  • YS Jagan bail, CBI Court, ys jagan active and busy, Met ys jagan

    YS Jagan Active and Busy 25 September 2013

    YSR Congress party President YS Jagan who spent 16 months in jail and now came out on bail is busy meeting his followers and political supporters.  The representatives of AP Secretariat employees met Jagan and explained their plans of action...

    Keywords: YSR Congress party, YSR Congress party, Delhi Jantarmantar, CBI Court

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    met YS Jagan, political activity in jail, political activity in jail, Met ys jagan

    Political activity in Jail? 03 June 2013

    TDP leader of Opposition in Legislative Council Yanamala Ramakrishnudu released a list of political leaders met Jagan during the last one year period in the Jail. The list contains 125 leaders of the political party who met YS Jagan as...

    Keywords: political meetings inside jail, political activity in jail, Director General of Prisons T.Krishna Raju, met YS Jagan

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