Microfinance in ap

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  • CEO of SKS Microfinance, McKinsey & company, rise fall of vikram akula in sks microfinance, Microfinance in ap

    Rise & fall of Vikram Akula in SKS Microfinance 23 November 2011

    Vikram Akula, the man who exploited the microfinance market with his SKS Micro finance and had given sleepless nights to his detractors and contemporaries alike, had to yield to the pressures of the company’s board and if sources are to...

    Keywords: Worlds 100 most influential people., Worlds 100 most influential people., the Ernst & Young, the Ernst & Young

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    Microfinance Vanishing From AP, MFI Asmitha, microfinance vanishing from ap, Microfinance in ap

    Microfinance Vanishing From AP? 30 September 2013

    AP does not want what United Nations, World Bank, IFC, Swiss and even Government of India wants, exclaims Vijay Mahajan, Founder Chairman of Basix Microfinance.  Basicx is working in nine countries. He says “It’s ironic that we are unwanted in...

    Keywords: APMFI Act 2011, MFI SKS, MFI Asmitha, MFI Basix

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