Nata president avn reddy

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  • NATA will launch drinking water projects, NATA will launch drinking water projects, nata to launch social service activities in ap from dec20, Nata president avn reddy

    NATA to launch social service activities in AP from Dec20 19 December 2011

    The North America Telugu Association will be launching several social service programs with slogans “NATA maata” for cultural progress and “NATA Baata” for social service activities in the State from December 20. The NATA president AVN Reddy Speaking to media...

    Keywords: NATA will launch drinking water projects, NATA will launch drinking water projects, NATA president AVN Reddy, NATA will launch drinking water projects

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    NATA raised $201000, NATA president AVN Reddy, nata raised 201 000 in new jersey for houston conference, Nata president avn reddy

    NATA raised $201,000 in New Jersey for Houston Conference 17 March 2012

    North American Telugu Association(NATA) hosted a Pre-Conference Dinner on March 10, 2012 at Royal Albert’sPalace, New Jersey. This event was organized to promote Houston Conference andraise funds for the conference. With the help of all NATA community leaders, NATA raised...

    Keywords: 600 NATA members, NATA president AVN Reddy, NATA Community leaders, NATAus

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    NATA president AVN Reddy, free medical camp, 4000 patients benefited with free health camp in parkal, Nata president avn reddy

    4000 Patients Benefited With Free Health Camp in Parkal 28 December 2011

    The North American Telugu Association (NATA) has flagged off a ten-day ‘Seva Days' in Andhra Pradesh, as part of its run up to its bi-annual convention scheduled in Houston Texas on June 29. The service week included a two-day health...

    Keywords: NATA president AVN Reddy, NATA president AVN Reddy, Parkal in warangal district, Houston Texas

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