Was it really "No easy day?" 16 October 2012
7/11 brings tremors and tears to millions around the world while there are a select few whose blood boils at the incident, with the determination to exterminate the ones responsible for one of the saddest moments in history. US NAVY...
Keywords: US Navy Seals, no easy day, no easy day, Abottabad
Read MoreOsama Bin Laden’s Head Had To Be Put Together For Identification: Claims Ex-Navy SEAL 10 April 2017
An Ex-Navy SEAL, Robert O’Neill, said that the al-Qaeda chief's head, was so severely destroyed by the gunshot, that pieces of it had to be put back for identification. Robert O’Neill had claimed of shooting three bullets into Osama, the...
Keywords: Robert O'Neill, Osama bin Laden, Osama bin Laden, The Operator
Read MoreIndia to induct M4 rifles from US for special forces 06 August 2012
The M4 assault rifles are being inducted into the Indian Army for the special forces for use in operations against the terrorists. These rifles were used to kill Osama Bin Laden by the US Navy SEALS in Abottabad. Not long...
Keywords: Iraq, US Navy SEALS, Iraq, US Navy SEALS
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