Nellore congress mp

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  • Mekapati resignation, Mekapati Rajamohan reddy, mekapati resignation accepted by ls speaker, Nellore congress mp

    Mekapati resignation accepted by LS Speaker 29 February 2012

    Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar accepted the resignation of Nellore Congress MP Mekapati Rajamohan reddy today. Before accepting the resignation, Meira Kumar spoke to him on telephone and inquired whether he was still committed to his decision of resignation. Rajamohan...

    Keywords: Mekapati Rajamohan reddy, Mekapati Rajamohan reddy, Nellore Congress MP, resignation of Rajamohan reddy

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    GD Nellore Congress MLA, Kutuhalamma, kutuhalamma critical taken to chennai, Nellore congress mp

    Kutuhalamma critical, taken to Chennai 28 May 2011

    GD Nellore Congress MLA of the Chittor district Ms. Kutuhalamma was admitted to the SVIMS Hospital at Tirupati last night after she complained of uneasiness. Following the deterioration of her condition, she was later shifted to Chennai.Doctors, who conducted tests,...

    Keywords: Kutuhalamma, Kutuhalamma, GD Nellore Congress MLA, GD Nellore Congress MLA

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