More States Order Tests on Maggi now 03 June 2015
Nestle shares dipped nearly 10% on Wednesday morning after the Central Government of India declares that Maggi Noodles are unsafe as they contain high content of lead and mono-sodium glutamate or MSG, a taste enhancer. The Delhi government clarifies that...
Keywords: Maggi, Maggi, Nestle, Nestle
Read MoreNo reprieve for Nestle regarding ban on Maggi 13 June 2015
The Bombay High Court has declined any immediate or temporary relief to the Swiss multinational Nestle, regarding the ban on its popular product “Maggi 2 minute noodles”. Nestle India has sought an interpretation of the Food Safety and Standards Act...
Keywords: Food and Drug Administration, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Maggi, Food and Drug Administration
Read MoreMaggi faces Rs. 320 crores loss in India 16 June 2015
Due to the ban imposed on Maggi, the Nestle Company had to face Rs. 320 crores of loss from India alone.On one side, the Nestle brand value is coming down and on the other side, due to the poison ingredients,...
Keywords: Maggi, Nestle loss, Nestle loss, Maggi
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