New smartphones

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  • Motorola, Motorola new smartphone Moto G, motorola moto g gets packed pre orders, New smartphones

    Motorola Moto G gets packed pre-orders 06 February 2014

    Motorola new smartphone Moto G has been launched in the Indian market and guess what the phone has already registered 1000 pre-order bookings. The price factor is big plus point for the Moto G which has been price at 12499...

    Keywords: Motorola Company, Motorola new smartphones, Andriod 4.3 Jelly Bean, New Technology News

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    OnePlus X, new smartphones in India, oneplus x phone launched in india, New smartphones

    OnePlus X phone launched in India 29 October 2015

    OnePlus, the Chinese mobile company has launched its new smartphone called OnePlus X in India, just a while. The price of OnePlus X is decided to be Rs 16999. The OnePlus X versions will have both 5-inch full HD OLED screens...

    Keywords: new smartphones in India, OnePlus X, OnePlus X, OnePlus X

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    2 GHz Tru Octa-caore processor, 2 GHz Tru Octa-caore processor, micromax knight launched, New smartphones

    Micromax Knight launched 06 March 2014

    Indian phone maker Micromax has launched Knight A350 of the Canvas edition and the first look really impressed. Knight partially resembles the Apples iPhone 5S but Knight is much thinner when compared. The screen is 5 inch long and comes...

    Keywords: Sci-Tech news, Android 4.2.2, Micromax's New Smartphones, New Technology News

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    business news, business news, freedom 251 online booking resumed, New smartphones

    Freedom 251: Online booking resumed 19 February 2016

    World’s cheapest phone Ringing bells Freedom 251 will resume its sales from today. In the beginning, the company announced to start the online sales from yesterday morning 6am. But unexpectedly, the website has crashed and most of the buyers, could...

    Keywords: Freedom 251, business news, Ringing bells, business news

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