• Engineer jobs Oil India, Oil India Limited, jobs vacancies in oil india ltd, Oil india

    JOBS: Vacancies in Oil India Ltd 13 September 2014

    Oil India limited has circulated a notification for filling up of Engineers, Scientists and Geophysicists jobs. A total of 19 vacancies will be filled in this recruitment process and interested candidates willing to make a career in government sector can...

    Keywords: Jobs Oil India Ltd, Engineer jobs Oil India, Scientists jobs Oil India, Geophysicists Jobs Oil India

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    FICCI, Oil secretary, government takes responsibility of lpg subsidy payments, Oil india

    Government takes responsibility of LPG subsidy payments 21 April 2015

    In a big boost to domestic oil and gas exploration, the government has decided to exempt state-owned ONGC and Oil India from paying for LPG subsidies, Oil Secretary Saurabh Chandra said today. "Government will fully meet subsidy burden of LPG...

    Keywords: ONGC, ONGC, ONGC, LPG subsidies

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