Oral hygiene

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  • bacteria in mouth, bacteria in mouth, chewing gum improves oral health, Oral hygiene

    Chewing gum improves oral health 27 January 2015

    A recent study has suggested that chewing gums helps to improve oral health by removing around 100 million bacteria from mouth in just 10 minutes. Netherland's University of Groningen researchers found out that chewing gum traps the bacteria within the...

    Keywords: oral health, oral health, chewing gum, oral health

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    oral hygiene, health, brushing your teeth can protect you from dementia and heart disease, Oral hygiene

    Brushing your teeth can protect you from dementia and heart disease 04 June 2015

    Don’t neglect to brush your teeth daily as a new study suggested that not doing so can trigger dementia and heart disease. The study shows that 89 per cent of people believe that bad teeth contribute towards somebody’s age, with...

    Keywords: health, oral hygiene, health, health

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    oral hygiene, Mother hood, motherhood delayed due to dental problems, Oral hygiene

    Motherhood delayed due to dental problems 15 May 2012

    Well planning for the motherhood then consult your dentist says a new study. Hygienic dental care aids in conceiving while those with periodontal diseases might be delayed. The study conducted in Australia suggests that oral hygiene plays a vital role...

    Keywords: oral hygiene, health risks, Mother hood, survey

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